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Curing Depression Through Food?

Depression is a common but serious mood disorder that affects millions. Depression causes severe symptoms that affect how we feel and handle daily activities.  Fortunately, there are a variety of treatment options out there that help with symptoms of depression. With the right treatment, anyone can find a way to overcome their depression. No one . . . . Continue Reading

The Brain-Gut Connection and Anxiety

Are you taking a daily probiotic? Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet? If you couldn’t already tell, this article might get a little personal. After all, we’re talking about the health of your gut and if you’re ‘regular.’ Understanding the mind-body-spirit connection is essential to good physical health and mental well-being. That’s why holistic treatment, whether . . . . Continue Reading

8 Tell-Tale Signs of Alcohol Induced Anxiety

Anxiety, which can be described more specifically as generalized anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, or phobia symptoms, that is decidedly caused by the effects of a psychoactive substance, that is, a drug such as alcohol, is the primary feature of a medical condition known as a substance-induced psychotic disorder. A substance, such as alcohol, can . . . . Continue Reading

10 Things No One Tells You About Depression

Experiencing depression is a normal part of life. As they say, life still happens on life’s terms. This means that there are both good and bad things that happen in our lifetime – it’s part of the human experience. There are weddings and divorces, births and deaths, promotions and getting fired, and so on. However, . . . . Continue Reading

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