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Adderall: The American Supermom’s Newest Addiction

There is a growing addiction in the US, and it’s not happening in the back alleys of big cities. In fact, the addiction is right under our noses in the place stereotypically we would least expect: in the purses and medicine cabinets of suburban soccer moms trying to have it all. The pressure to give your kids everything, while trying to succeed in your own career, stay fit, healthy, and social can be overwhelming at best. As a result, we are seeing a new wave of supermoms turning to prescription Adderall to get an extra boost of energy for their day.

Adderall Gives Overextended Mother’s the Extra Kick of Energy They Need

Physicians generally prescribe Adderall to children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In children who are hyperactive, the medication calms them down, but in individuals who do not have ADHD symptoms the drug actually has the opposite effect of giving them extra oomph. In addition, Adderall helps with weight loss, something it seems almost every woman in the country struggles with from time to time.

Often mother’s first get hooked by taking one of their children’s pills knowing that the results will be a little extra get-up-and-go, not realizing the physical and emotional addiction that sets in rather quickly. Experts believe this is why they have seen the number of prescriptions for women age 26 to 39 skyrocket 750 percent in less than a decade. They do not believe all of these women have legitimate diagnoses of ADHD.

Mother’s Have Created a Network of Information on How to get Adderall

No one knows how to network and find information better than mothers. Unfortunately in the case of Adderall they have used their powers for a potentially harmful purpose. The drug is becoming in such high demand for women in this country that books are being written on how to fool your doctor into prescribing it. The Internet is another source of illegal information. On just about any search engine if you type, “How can I make my doctor prescribe Adderall,” millions of results pop up.

This is a potentially lethal new trend. Since Adderall is a stimulant, doctors advise that, when not properly prescribed, it can cause heart attack, stroke, seizures and death. No one is immune to an addiction to the drug, so physicians advise against even trying it once to get through a tough day. The allure may be too much to resist after the initial use and then the addiction may start to take over and even possibly end your life.

If you or someone you care about are addicted to Adderall help is available. We provide high end care for women who are ready to walk away from drug and alcohol dependence. Call now to learn more.

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