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Drug Addiction Intervention For Women

Drug addiction is no walk in the park.  Perhaps the one thing that’s more challenging than enduring a drug addiction is getting committed to drug rehab.  Although drug rehab can truly be a life saver, it can seem like something to dread.  Sometimes, the only way to get someone started in drug rehab is to do an intervention.  If a woman you know might need an intervention, consider these thoughts before you do it. 

Women Are Not Men

Drug addiction may affect the body in similar ways between women and men, but women and men live out addiction in different ways.  Health related gender differences are important clues to look at.  They can guide you and give you a better chance of success with your intervention.

You’ve got to do a little research to be sure you know what kind of drug treatment options are available.  It will also help to take note of which drugs she has used, for how long, and what important things have occurred during and leading up to her addiction.  Assure her that her family will be taken care of during the time she is in drug rehab

The key thing to remember is this:  women most often get into an addiction through emotional pathways.  Did she experience abuse or trauma?  Does she also have depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, etc?  If you have a good clue about this, you have a better chance of targetting the right kind of help. 

Women Need Relationships and Connection

A good choice for women with drug addiction is a women-only drug rehab center.  While a co-ed center can certainly be a good choice, a focus on just women can magnify the power of the female psyche.  There is just something different when a group of only women get together.  It can be powerful and soothing at the same time. 

Women need connection and harmony in a way that’s different from men.  They gain a lot from sharing and being a part of a helpful community.  This is not to suggest that men don’t benefit from this type of intervention.  But women are “wired” in such a way that healing social interaction can have profound effects. 

Use a Drug Treatment Counselor To Lead You

Above all, do not try to do this all by yourself.  You many know this woman well, but a trained drug and alcohol counselor will have the knowledge to guide everyone to a solution.  They can be less emotionally involved in the process, can make recommendations, get connected with a doctor, keep the process moving, and can give the intervention its best chance to succeed. 

Unless there is court order, no one can really force a person to enter drug rehab.  It has to be something they are willing to try.  Drugs and alcohol seriously cripple a person’s emotions and mind, which can make the committment process all the more difficult.  Getting a woman you care about into drug rehab can really be worth all the stress involved with an intervention.  If nothing else, leave it so the door is open and she feels OK to keep talking to you.  And don’t give up.

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