Get Sober Save Your Marriage
How much can your marriage take? Do you believe your husband will stick out your addiction indefinitely, or you fear he has a point of no return? Do you know that you are destroying your marriage but you don’t know how to stop your addiction? Then this is the best time for your to consider drug rehab.

Drug Addiction Breaks Marriages
Much At Stake When Married And Addicted to Drugs
I’m not trying to be harsh and come down on a woman in pain. Believe me, I’ve felt the burden of depression and anxiety. I understand what it’s like to just live on the surface and try to survive in the muck of your own problems. But so much more is at stake beside just your well being. You have a husband, and he counts too. It’s important to just be direct and straightforward about what addiction does to marriages.
You may have taken vows for better or for worse, but what about this? What category does this fall under? Well, at the very least you are not living for the other person any more. You are not honoring, respecting, loving, and cherishing the other person when you are high or drunk all the time. Quite simply, you aren’t holding up your end of the deal anymore.
Husband’s Breaking Point With Addicted Wife
Even the most dedicated loving spouse can reach a breaking point. And you probably don’t find out what that breaking point is until it’s too late. And then, it may not make a difference what you do because they are done with it. They are tired of being tread upon, forgotten, disregarded, punished, ignored, and lied to. That’s why it is so important to take action now.
Go to drug rehab now or risk losing your marriage – it’s that simple. If your husband is telling you things are bad because of your drug or alcohol use, believe him. If you married a decent caring man, he is telling you this because he wants things to be better. Do your best to ignore that addiction voice in your head that wants to fight back against your husband. I’m not saying that both spouses can’t have problems in a marriage. But if you have an addiction, that’s your responsibility. It’s your job to make that right. Nobody else can do it for you.
Drug Rehab Points You Towards A Healthy Life And Marriage
Drug rehab isn’t magic, but it can start the process of change towards a healthy lifestyle. Marriages flourish and grow when both people are living in healthy ways and living for each other. An addict lives just for themselves, which is why so many marriages fail when an addiction enters the picture. Drug rehab can help you turn that around in your life, help you get your marriage back on solid ground. Are you are ready for the challenge?