Amy Winehouse’s Father Talks About Daughter’s Addiction in New Book

Recently deceased pop singer Amy Winehouse’s father has a new book on the shelves, and he’s getting into the details of his daughter’s drug and alcohol abuse as well as her untimely death.
As far as Mitch Winehouse is concerned, the bulk of the blame for Amy’s addiction issues and her well publicized downward spiral sits solely with her ex-husband, Blake Fielder-Civil. Fielder-Civil was the inspiration behind Amy’s breakout album, “Back to Black.”
Said Mitch Winehouse to ABC News: “I blame Blake for her drug addiction. He stood up and said ‘I switched Amy onto Class A drugs.’ But not for her death. He loved Amy. He would never, ever in a million years have wanted this for Amy.”
After years of struggling with both heroin and alcohol addiction, Winehouse accidentally died of alcohol poisoning in July 2011. Mitch Winehouse is also a musician and was preparing to perform in New York when he heard that his daughter had been found dead in her London home.
Says Mitch Winehouse: “How we got home, I don’t know. How we got back, I couldn’t tell you. We got to the house in Camden Square and those people, I can’t tell you what it was like, my family and friends were there and hundreds of people. It was just beautiful. I knew I was going to make it because of all these people.”
Amy, My Daughter, is the name of Mitch Winehouse’s memoir, a book he hopes will “set the record straight from my point of view.” According to him, Amy had not been using drugs at all during the three years prior to her passing and she was working on getting her alcoholism under control. He describes his daughter as sweet and fun with a wild streak.
Said Winehouse: “But of course there is no smoke without fire and I reflect on those stories that were true too. I’m not trying to re-invent Amy. Amy was what Amy was.”
Part of the problem for Amy was the loss of her mother. Another issue was her fans’ need to hear her sing hit songs that she wrote for her ex – songs she had to feel in order to sing properly. And reliving the emotions related to that period of her life were not good for her sobriety.
Amy’s final performance in Belgrade, Serbia was a drunken mess. In the two days before she died, she drank a fatal amount of alcohol – both are difficult for Mitch Winehouse to understand.
Said Winehouse: “Who knows what makes anyone do anything to the extreme. I have no idea.”
If alcohol abuse is a problem for you or someone you love, contact us at The Orchid today and get her the help she needs to heal – before it’s too late.