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Prescription Drug Detox and Your Fears

One hurdle that many prescription drug addicts have trouble with is getting detoxed in any way, shape, or form.  Going cold turkey usually make you such a wreck that you often take drugs again just to stop the pain and agony.  Even a professional drug rehab detox is no picnic – still discomfort and emotional stress for a number of days.  How are you supposed to get through that and make it to the “other side”?

Fear of Pain With Prescription Drug Detox

Well let’s face it, pain is something pretty much everyone tries to avoid with good reason.  And drug detox pain isn’t mild like scraping your elbow or getting a paper cut.  It can be excruciating, and accompanied by vomiting, shakes, fever, and so on.  It’s ugly, no way around it. 

So since this is a very natural human fear, how do you work around this?  The truth is this – it’s simply not easy.  It takes courage and some stamina to get through the worst of it.  There really isn’t any way to sugar coat this. 

Fear of Being Alone During Prescription Drug Detox

Prescription drug addiction is about more than just the physical sensation of having the drug.  It’s also about being in an emotional cocoon where nothing hurts.  When you are trying to get off prescription drugs, you not only face the emotions you’ve been trying to blur, you are acknowledging the beginning of a journey that will be tough.

That can all be tough to face alone.  Even if you have some help, you may or may not feel encouraged to keep it up until the end.  Or even once you get through the nastiest symptoms, what do you do from there?  How to you keep yourself from having to go through that ever again?  Do you have the emotional strength to do it more than once if you relapse?

Professional Drug Rehab Detox Helps You Get Through The Worst Of It

You will have privacy and someone available at all times to give you emotional support.  No gutting it out alone in your apartment for a week.  The other people there for treatment won’t be watching you go through it – you join them when you are ready.  Someone will be there every step of the way, encouraging you, listening to you, helping you calm down, stirring up your perseverance.  This is invaluable, especially because it might be a moment when you feel your weakest and most worthless. 

You will also have the benefit of some pain reduction from detox medications.  This won’t make it pain-free, but it can lessen the strength of the symptoms as your body adjusts to the physical withdrawal.  These drugs imitate some of the chemical features of the prescription drugs but do not produce the bad physical symptoms. 

After some time, you can gradually ease your body off those drugs with doctor’s approval, making the full detox experience much more tolerable.  Making it tolerable helps you get past the first and arguably the worst) hurdle of the whole process.

Prescription Drug Rehab Can Make Detox Better Experience

There’s nothing pretty about prescription drug detox, even at a professional drug rehab center.  And it’s unavoidable if you are creating a sober lifestyle.  But drug rehab staff know that getting through that first and most painful experience is key to getting you into recovery.  Don’t go it alone if you have a prescription drug addiction.  Go to a drug rehab center that can help you make the move from detox to recovery.

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