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The Truth About Love Addiction

Author: Shernide Delva Love can be an addiction? If you are like me, you probably had trouble initially believing that it is possible to actually be addicted to love. I mean love is love right? We joke and say that we are addicted to our significant others because they are on our minds all the . . . . Continue Reading

Feelings of Love Can Affect Us Like Alcohol Does

Author: Shernide Delva “Because your love, your love, your love is my drug” Whether you’re a Kesha fan or not, she may have had a point when she wrote the song “Your Love is My Drug.” As a matter of fact, a recent study found that alcohol and the “love hormone” oxytocin have nearly an identical . . . . Continue Reading

The “Dance” of Love: The Love Addict vs The Love Avoidant

Author: Shernide Delva An article in Addiction Today recently delved deep into love addiction and avoidance. While reading it, there were definitely aspects that I related to and moments where I thought, “That sounds familiar!” We all cope with love and emotions differently. Personally, I find myself leaning on the love avoidant side, insecure with . . . . Continue Reading

Sex Addiction: Not Just a Guy Thing

  Shortage of research and information about female hypersexuality branches from the double standard that men always want sex and women never do. Some women as an alternative refer to their condition as “love addiction” or “relationship addiction.” “Hypersexual Disorder” came close to being added to the DSM-V, the controversial fifth edition of the standard . . . . Continue Reading

Can You Be Addicted to Love?

Not only can you be addicted to love – like you can be addicted to almost anything – but new studies are comparing love addiction and the effects of a break-up to the effects of drug addiction and trying to ‘kick the habit’ with your drug of choice. Brain scans reveal that physiologically, the changes . . . . Continue Reading

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