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Drug Addiction What Are You Looking For

A drug addict or alcoholic is constantly chasing something elusive.  They pursue the high or buzz all the time, but that’s not really what they are after.  People drink or use drugs excessively because they want to change their reality.  Something in real life is just too much to handle.  When a person lives life through a drug or alcohol haze, they really need drug treatment to get back on track.  Let’s take a look at some of the things they might really be pursuing when they are addicted to drugs.

Drug Addiction To Create a Calm Mind

Worrying can become an all-consuming problem.  A bipolar manic phase can create a lot of disruption and mental strain.  Depression can build up a raging storm of negative hopeless thoughts.  A person with mental illness just wants it all to stop.  They want their mind to be quiet for once.  After enough despair, some people are willing to try anything to have some peace and quiet inside.

Many people with mental illness self medicate with drugs and alcohol.  Even if they know it’s a bad idea, drinking and drug use may be their only reliable relief.  For a short while, the anxiety lessens.  The wild flighty thoughts are less numerous.  The endless string of depressing thoughts breaks apart for a while.  They keep chasing the numbing sensation from heavy drug and alcohol use.  What they really need is a calm healthy mind.

Drug Addiction To Make Fear Disappear

Many drug addicts and alcoholics have strong insecurities.  They can come from years of family chaos or personality traits.  If they let their insecurities get the best of them, they may sit and do nothing.  When they drink or use drugs, their social nature loosens up and they can be more “interesting” to others.  Without the substance as a crutch, they feel like they don’t have much to contribute.

Unfortunately, the lack of fear isn’t the same as having courage.  What would happen if you had no fear as you approach a railroad crossing or a highway?  Having no fear is not always realistic or a good idea.  Courage is taking action while also feeling fear.  It’s not letting fear take over your life to the point that you take hardly any risks.  Using drugs and alcohol can lead a person to take risks without considering reality.  The drug addict may think they want to have no fear, but what they may really want is to be respected for having courage.

Drug Rehab Helps You Find What You Really Need

Drug treatment can help clear the fog of drug addiction and alcoholism out of the picture.  It’s not easy, but it’s the only way to really get at the source of pain.  Mental illness, lack of self worth and insecurities – whatever the reason people drink and use drugs excessively, it’s a wild goose chase.  The chase will go on and on because addiction finds ways of keeping people hooked.  But when people really address their deeper problems, they can have true peace in their mind.  They can discover their true inner courage.  Finally, they can find what they were looking for all along.

Creative Commons License Photo credit: opimentas

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