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6 Ways the Second Year of Sobriety is Different from the First Year

If your first year of sobriety was anything like mine, it was a whirlwind of excitement and new experiences – both good and bad. Honestly, my first year was a blur. I was definitely riding the pink cloud for most of it. They say everyone’s journey is their own – and I totally agree. However, . . . . Continue Reading

Does it Matter Why Someone Goes to Rehab?

In my opinion, the answer to this question is a simple ‘no’…it really doesn’t matter why someone goes to rehab. But I’ll explain further in the content below. First, I’d like to share a bit of my own story, being that I was once an actively using drug addict and I went to rehab as . . . . Continue Reading

5 Ways to Supercharge Your Recovery

image credit: You’ve heard it said, probably many times, before: don’t get over-confident in your recovery. You’ve done the steps and maybe you’ve gone and spoken at a meeting or three. But, inevitably, our program of recovery can become a little stale. Living a sober lifestyle involves constant work and vigilance. Here are 5 ways to . . . . Continue Reading

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