Methadone Detox
In most cases, methadone addiction comes closely on the heels of heroin addiction. Because it is so chemically similar to heroin, methadone is often the best way to immediately stop using the dangerous street drug with a minimum of withdrawal symptoms. In other cases, methadone addiction begins when one is prescribed the drug to treat chronic pain. However you come by it, methadone is addictive and when you’re ready to stop taking the drug, a methadone detox is necessary.
At Orchid Recovery Center, we can provide an efficient and safe methadone detox and follow it up with a thorough methadone addiction treatment. Whether you came by methadone addiction due to chronic pain or through heroin addiction, we can help you break that addiction and begin a healthy new life.
The Need for Methadone Detox
For those who first came to methadone due to a heroin addiction, methadone maintenance was the first step in their detox. Switching from using an unmonitored street drug generally administered through needles to pharmaceutical grade methadone is an excellent first step on the road to recovery. It is not, however, the last step. In order to truly be free of opiate addiction, it is imperative that you follow up methadone maintenance with an efficient and safe methadone detox. Without the help of medical professionals specializing in substance abuse treatment, methadone detox can be dangerous for your health and in the presence of co-occurring medical conditions, it can even be fatal.
The Most Efficient Methadone Detox
At Orchid Recovery Center, our entire program is focused on treating all aspects of the woman, each level that is touched by drug addiction, and our methadone detox is one part of the whole. Treating the physical dependence on methadone is a necessary and crucial part of your overall treatment, but the most efficient methadone detox is one that is followed up with methadone addiction treatment. It is not just your body that needs healing, but your mind and spirit as well.
But methadone detox does not just mean your first couple weeks of treatment as you deal with withdrawal symptoms. The term refers to the process of flushing the drug and residual toxins out of your body’s systems and that process will continue throughout your treatment with bodywork, meditation and yoga, massage, and organic nutritional foods.
Considering Quitting Without Methadone Detox? Don’t!
Methadone is an opiate, just like the heroin that so many are trying to escape using prescription methadone. It takes just a few days of regular use to become addicted to the drug if you don’t begin the drug with a physical dependence on opiates. Should you suddenly discontinue use of methadone when you are addicted to opiates, you will experience an onslaught of physical withdrawal symptoms that range from bone and muscle pain to convulsions and seizures. These symptoms begin within a few hours of the missed dose and increase in intensity for weeks on end. Aside from being physically painful and possibly deadly, an unsupervised methadone detox is rarely successful, which means that all the pain and hardship end up for naught.
Methadone Rehab at Orchid Recovery Center
If you have any questions about what we provide for women in terms of methadone detox and addiction treatment, contact us at Orchid Recovery Center today.