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Drug Addiction Recovery FAQ

Drug addiction recovery isn’t as simple as it looks.  A person in recovery does a lot of work to stay that way.  Even people who have been sober for a long time may start coming up with some questions after a while.  Here are just a few for you to consider.

Asking Questions About Drug Rehab

What If I Relapse After I Have Been To Drug Rehab

One misperception about addiction recovery is that once you get sober, that’s your one shot for success.  If you have a relapse, you have “failed” at being sober.  Not true at all.  Sobriety is a day-to-day goal, sometimes it goes minute by minute.  Temptations, emotional shock, and unexpected triggers come up throughout a person’s life.

No one is exactly the same person from year to year, so no one could expect that a person’s sobriety would stand perfectly still either.  Relapse is certainly not desirable, but it can be a valuable learning opportunity for a better sobriety plan.  Life absolutely does go on after relapse, one small step at a time.

Do I Need To Stay Sober For The Rest Of My Life

Yes, your best chance of healthy life means lifelong sobriety.  There are always exceptions to every rule.  You may even know someone who struggled with addiction and now can drink occasionally at social occasions.  While that may work for them right now, the odds greatly favor a healthy positive life if your goal is complete sobriety.  You just never know if that once-in-a-while social drink could be the first to lead you back into an active addiction.  Do you want to take that chance?

How Do I Help My Family Heal From My Drug Addiction

You are right to be concerned about your family living with your addiction.  Drug addiction changes every family relationship for the worse.  Each child, spouse,  or romantic partner takes on unhealthy roles that distract from the addiction.  As painful as these roles may be, they may be difficult to change after long time.  Your family needs help, reconnecting in positive, supportive, and honest ways.  Alanon is a support group just for family members of drug addicts and alcoholics.  They can share their feelings and experiences with people who are in the same shoes.

Cant I Just Get Sober On My Own Without Drug Treatment

Yes, you could try.  Many people stop drinking or drugging for a short while, even a long while sometimes.  They fall back into their addictive behaviors, but still claim they can stop whenever they feel like it.  That’s just the thing – they often don’t feel like it.  Life gets hard, doing drugs and getting drunk is a familiar way to deal with troubles.  Getting and staying sober is hard work, much harder than most people realize or can handle completely by themselves.  Addiction is an isolating disorder, and it takes community to really create a sober lifestyle that lasts.

Ask More Questions About Drug Rehab

Do you find yourself with a few more questions now?  Then it’s time for you to find out more about drug rehab.  If you know you need to get sober, you have many options for good drug treatment.  Call a drug rehab center in your community and start asking questions to find the right treatment for you.

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