All About Selective Mutism: Frozen In Silence
Have you ever been in a scenario where you wanted to speak, but couldn’t? For those with selective mutism, this is a reoccurring reality. Selective mutism is a condition in which a person cannot speak in certain situation. Typically, selected mutism begins in childhood. For example, a child may go the entire day at school . . . . Continue Reading
5 Ways I Overcame My Social Anxiety
From a young age, I had severe social anxiety. In kindergarten, I spoke maybe two sentences, not including, of course, the daily “Here!” that I murmured when my teachers read the attendance list. Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is when a person has an excessive and unreasonable fear of social situations. A . . . . Continue Reading
The Link Between Social Anxiety and Initial Drug Use
From an early age, I’ve witnessed my peers fall into the pressure of doing drugs and alcohol. Looking back, I realized that for some, this was a way to break out of their shell and prove to others they were not introverted. Many people turn to substances to “loosen up.” For years, therapists and researchers . . . . Continue Reading
Insecurity and Social Anxiety in Recovery
Insecurities and social anxiety are emotions that serve a purpose: they can be like little caution flags that come up as we encounter risky circumstances in life. If you ever felt insecure when a friend was knocking a beehive with a stick, you probably benefited from that insecurity. Maybe someone at a party made you . . . . Continue Reading