4 Science-Backed Ways to Boost Your Willpower
Willpower can be an incredibly hard thing to maintain, especially when you are surrounded by temptation. When your willpower is depleted, it makes it difficult to always make the right decisions. However, learning the tools to self-control helps you in achieving those milestones you always wanted. Fortunately, there are techniques that help in . . . . Continue Reading
What NOT to Say to an Alcoholic
It’s true, alcoholism is a disease that affects everyone around the alcoholic – not just the alcoholic, herself; that’s why it’s referred to as a ‘family disease.’ And, as such, the loved ones of the person who drinks – those affected – feel it’s their place to say something about it by confronting the alcoholic . . . . Continue Reading
Pro Ana and Pro Mia in Social Media
Pro ana stands for pro-anorexia. Pro mia stands for pro-bulimia. These two terms refer to actual movements that are in direct contrast of eating disorder disease model and advocacy for recovery. And what is even more disturbing than their mere existence is that they are actually thriving; this can be seen by looking at some . . . . Continue Reading