Hepatitis C Cases Increase By Nearly 300% Since 2010
Hepatitis C cases are up nearly 300% since 2010, according to recent reports by the CDC. Despite better testing and treatment methods, hepatitis C cases continue to rise rapidly. Experts suggest this is due to the rise in intravenous drug use. This Friday, May 19, is National Hepatitis Testing Day in the United States. This . . . . Continue Reading
‘Facts of Life’ Star Charlotte Rae Opens Up About Long Term Sobriety
You take the good You take the bad You take them both and there you have The facts of life The facts of life Remember The Facts of Life? It was a beloved ‘80s sitcom with a catchy theme song. Personally, I loved it. The show was a bit before my time, but I have . . . . Continue Reading
Gov. Chris Christie Debuts Television Ad To Raise Awareness of Opioid Crisis
The news up north regarding the opioid crisis is continually frightening. New Jersey’s numbers continue to concern residents. As a response, Gov. Chris Christie is doing everything possible to highlight new addiction services in the state of New Jersey. The ad campaign will help promote the telephone hotline, 1-844-REACH-NJ and a website, www.reachnj.gov, that Christie . . . . Continue Reading
The Royal Trio: William, Kate and Harry Weigh In On Mental Health
Mental health stigmas are not something that affects only the general population; it affects royalty too. In fact, the royal trio—Prince William, Princess Kate and Prince Harry marked World Mental Health Day by celebrating with charities under the Heads Together coalition. Kate, along with William and Harry joined others for an exclusive party at Country Hall, . . . . Continue Reading
3 Mental Health Myths Debunked
With the internet, we can find answers to our questions with the click of a button. However, sometimes too much information can be worse than no information at all. Anyone who has gone online can attest to that. Medical information online is a great tool because it allows us to become informed before seeing our . . . . Continue Reading
How 12 Step Programs Will Ruin Your High
My relapse was ruined by my initial recovery! For anyone who has ever relapsed, or maybe even spent enough time in 12 Step fellowship meetings to hear some solution, you know well how much it sucks to be drinking or getting high and have the 12 Steps and principles of the program running laps in . . . . Continue Reading
When do your kids become just another excuse?
There’s a distinction between motivation and reason regarding going to treatment and continuing a program of recovery, such as going to meetings. The motivation or motivations for getting and staying sober are generally things such as career/job, family, health, etc. But the reason must always be ‘you.’ People tend to put off getting help or, . . . . Continue Reading
What I Wish Every Sober Woman Knew- A Sober Man’s Perspective
Women are the most beautiful and complex miracles in the world. I was personally raised mostly by women, and had a very close connection to the idea of strong, independent, and spiritually fit women. Women in sobriety are incredible, especially those who share stories of emotion, expression, and solution. Some of the people with the . . . . Continue Reading
Will They Get You High Before You Get Them Sober?
The twelfth step of 12 Step recovery is all about “giving back.” We hear it in meetings all the time and our sponsors reinforce it with us: “We keep what we have only by giving it away.” And, after all, it was given to us so freely. What all of this means, generally speaking is . . . . Continue Reading
6 Things to Do After You Relapse
After relapses a lot of us don’t know what to do with ourselves next – what steps do we take? It can be a very difficult time for you and it can be helpful to have a guide in what you should do next. I’ve thought of 6 things to do after a relapse. 6 . . . . Continue Reading