Drum Circles: The Therapeutic Effect of Drumming
It was a little over a year ago. I had made a few “out of character” decisions, and I was eager to do something to gain mental clarity. This was not anything unusual. From meditation retreats, yoga binges, to poetry circles, I have done it all. I tend to have a mini-life crisis that leads . . . . Continue Reading
Laughter Yoga: A Holistic Sense of Humor
Yoga is a spiritual, mental and physical discipline that has been used in a variety of schools and practices to achieve different goals typically meant to be healing and healthy. Used often in combination with meditation and other holistic practices, yoga strategies have been diversely developed with all kinds of elements for therapy, and believe it . . . . Continue Reading
Movement Therapy for Addiction
By Cheryl Steinberg You can often find “holistic” doctors nowadays as more and more understanding has developed when it comes to treating the things that ail us. And the same goes for drug and alcohol treatment. Holistic medicine – which is even recognized by the more traditional, westernized mode of medicine – treats the person . . . . Continue Reading
Music Therapy Key in Treating Addiction
By Cheryl Steinberg If you’re one of those people who “just isn’t into music,” this post might just change your mind. First off, I am a self-proclaimed music connoisseur (read: music snob). Yeah, I’m that person who would rather listen to music in the car than have a conversation with my passenger. Sorry, not sorry. . . . . Continue Reading
Holistic Drug and Alcohol Treatment for Women
(This content is being used for illustrative purposes only; any person depicted in the content is a model) What is Holistic Drug and Alcohol Treatment for Women? Holistic is a term that means “whole” and “complete.” Therefore, when considering getting help for substance abuse, the approach of holistic drug and alcohol treatment for women . . . . Continue Reading
Holistic Drug Treatment for Women
What is Holistic Drug Treatment? An holistic approach to health is one that views the person as a whole and seeks to treat all of their needs: psychological, physical, and social. Holistic drug treatment for women understands the importance that all of the aspects that make us human beings need to be taken into . . . . Continue Reading
The Brain-Gut Connection and Anxiety
Are you taking a daily probiotic? Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet? If you couldn’t already tell, this article might get a little personal. After all, we’re talking about the health of your gut and if you’re ‘regular.’ Understanding the mind-body-spirit connection is essential to good physical health and mental well-being. That’s why holistic treatment, whether . . . . Continue Reading