Get Drug Treatment and Enjoy Life Again
Your kids ask you to make cookies with them, but it just sounds like a hassle. Your husband wants to go to a movie with you, but you feel too stressed and want to be alone. All the while, you are planning your next drug hit or alcohol binge to take the edge off the day. Your drug addiction has made it almost impossible to enjoy life anymore. Can drug rehab help you get that spark back?

Enjoy Life Again With Sobriety
Drug Addiction Takes Over Pleasure Process In Body
I’m going to explain a little bit about how the body responds to addictive drugs and why it makes life feel so empty. First, drugs and alcohol disrupt your neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers that go between your nerve endings. Some drugs can almost completely replace the naturally occurring chemicals, which is why addicts begin feeling withdrawal when they cut down on their use. The natural chemicals have quit their job and the drugs are doing everything.
Also, the physical symptoms of intoxication distort the way you perceive what’s happening to you. You may be used to chasing a rush from the drugs, hoping to feel that surge or pleasure or energy. Eventually, that stops coming and you just take the drug to feel normal. Well, the simple pleasures like baking cookies or watching a movie don’t really stack up well against a wave of physical pleasure from meth or the buzzing intoxication of alcohol.
Ordinary Life Doesnt Match Up With Being High Or Drunk
These ordinary activities seem boring, slow, and you can’t wait around for them to get more exciting. You need something else to take you away from your discomfort of having to focus on something and stay in the moment. Plus, your unpleasant emotions are getting too strong and you really don’t want to go there. You know you aren’t being the best wife or mom, so you just don’t want to think about it anymore. Getting your next hit or getting drunk is what you need to do. Besides, if you take too much time between hits or drinks you don’t feel that well.
This is the unfortunate pattern that many drug addicted women create and maintain. They just go through the motions and get very little enjoyment from their family time, alone time, friend time, or any time. The drugs have sapped the pleasure from their life and the days become empty.
Start Drug Rehab and Leave Empty Addiction Life Behind
Drug treatment helps to right an addicted woman’s course. Drug treatment counselors help her stop taking drugs, get through the detox period, and learn how to enjoy life again. She may experience some setbacks, but she can start living in a way that feels naturally good. She can once again experience peace, joy, and love that surrounds her.